Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mid Term Test

1 In composition our eyes tend to be drawn first to

areas that are out of focus
dark, dramatic areas of a scene
bright, warm colors
blue and green colors

2 The concept of unity in a production applies to

the various physical elements in a scene
the lighting in a scene
sets and settings in a dramatic production
All of the above are correct.
None of the answers is correct.

3 Using a cutaway shot is a way to

add important supplementary information
show information not in the basic scene
direct attention to a related element
All of the above are correct.
None of the answers is correct.

4 An atmosphere introduction

shows information outside the basic scene
always consists of one or more close-ups of the main characters in a drama
tips us off to important things about characters by introducing us first to their environment or surroundings
is intended to tell us about the weather conditions in a drama
could be introduced during the closing credits of a production

5 "Content takes precedence over form." This means that

the form a production takes is not important, only the content
the message and emotional dimension of a production are of the most importance
the technical quality of a production is the most important
when you get down to it, the real message of a production ends up being production techniques, special effects, and technical embellishments

6 While doing a production where the talent is reading a camera prompter you see their eyes noticeably moving back and forth as they read. A solution would be to

put less light on the talent so you no longer see them
move the prompter closer to the talent and zoom out to compensate
move the prompter farther away from the talent and zoom in to compensate
put more light on the prompter

7 Dynamic composition

is the same as static composition
takes into consideration the effect of time and movement
makes use of dynamic mics
All of the above are correct.
None of the answers is correct.

8 The statement "good production always good production, no matter how much time passes" is

one of the few principles that you can fully rely on in TV production
not totally true, because production values have changed significantly over time
true, because good techniques have always remained exactly the same over time

9 Selective focus in a scene can

reduce distractions from unimportant subject matter in a scene
force viewers to look at a particular object or person
isolate subject matter you want to emphasize
All of the above are correct.
None of the answers is correct.

10 According to the majority of the research cited in the reading

violence in film and on TV has no effect on audiences
violence has a negative effect on viewers
violence has a positive effect on viewers

11 As an aid to composition what elements would help you in achieving a selective focus effect?

a low shutter speed
having a brightly lit scene
a high f-stop number
All of the above are correct.
None of the answers is correct.

12 By following the rule of thirds you should

place the center of interest near one of the four cross points
place the center of interest outside of the safe title area
make sure your center of interest is in the center of the frame
keep all important subject matter within any one-third section of the picture

13 Ideally, dominant horizontal or vertical lines in a picture

should be broken or interrupted at some point by one or more objects
should lead the eye to the center of interest
should not run through the middle of the frame
All of the above are correct.
None of the answers is correct.

14 Sophisticated audiences prefer that productions

stick to one level of meaning
be as "on the nose" as possible
be as totally abstract as possible
All of the above are correct.
None of the answers is correct.

15 A scene showing the side of a car with the back wheels cut off on the right side of the frame would be an example of a

dimensional merger
border merger
tonal merger
All of the above are correct.
None of the answers is correct.

16 The number of prime objects that would typically provide the strongest composition is


17 The strongest direction of movement in dynamic composition would generally be

upward, diagonally, in a left-to-right direction
None of the answers is correct.
All of the above are correct.

My Flash Movie

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