Monday, April 11, 2011

Shot: All video is made up of shots. A shot is basically from when you press record to when you stop recording. Like the individual photos which make up an album, the shots get put together to make a video.
Framing & Composition: The frame is the picture you see in the viewfinder (or on a monitor). Composition refers to the layout of everything within a picture frame — what the subject is, where it is in the frame, which way it's facing/looking, the background, the foreground, lighting, etc.
Pan Side-to-side camera movement.
Tilt Up-and-down camera movement.
Zoom In-and-out camera movement (i.e. closer and more distant).
Iris (Exposure) The opening which lets light into the camera. A wider iris means more light and a brighter picture.
White balance Adjusting the colours until they look natural and consistent.
Shutter Analogous to the shutter in a still camera.
Audio Sound which is recorded to go with the pictures.

3 Elements of Production

-project proposal/treatment



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