Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fundementals of Graphic Design

Learn to design with the formal elements of design.  
Understand the nature of color.  
See how to employ the principles of design. 
Realize how to manipulate graphic space.

A line is a mark made by a tool as it is drawn across a surface.
The tool can be almost anything — a pencil, a pointed brush, a computer and mouse, even a cotton swab.
Also, a line is defined as a moving dot or point, or can be called an open path.
The general outline of something is a shape, also defined as a closed form or closed path.
Value describes the lightness or darkness of a visual element
 The tactile quality of a surface or the representation of such a surface quality is a texture. 
Tactile textures are real; we can actually feel their surfaces with our fingers.
Visual textures are illusionary; they simply give the impression of real textures.
Pattern can be defined as a repetitive arrangement of elements, like a wrapping paper design or a plaid shirt.

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