Thursday, March 31, 2011

Skills Canada Poster, Brochure and Button

Effective Poster Design
  • Define Your Audience
  • Distill Your Message
  • Consider Your Presentation Requirements
  • Using Backgrounds and Colour Effectively
  • Leaving Space
  • Creating Legible Text
  • Using Graphics for Impact
  • Using CorelDRAW 9
  • Video Tutorials
  • Have someone from your target audience evaluate your poster

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Monday March 28
Today I answered some questions about Photoshop. I continued working on my Skills Canada Banner on Adobe Illustrator CS2 and Adobe Photoshop CS2. I worked to create the allusion of puzzle pieces that I wanted.

Tuesday March 29
Today I worked on the puzzle pieces for my Skills Canada Banner on Adobe Illustrator CS2 ad Adobe Photoshop CS2. I also started working on my Skills Canada brochure cover and button.

Wednesday March 30
Today I finished my Skills Canada banner, brochure and button.

Thursday March 31
Today I was working on designing a poster for wampum worshops.

Friday April 1
Today I worked on some things for me English project. I used garage band to get 3 different parts out of a song so I could put them into my video on windows movie maker.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Photoshop 6.0

Chapter 1

What are the primary colors computers mix to create other colors?
Red, Green, and Blue.  The combination is known as RGB

What are the primary image types and how do they differ?
Vector and Bitmap.  Vector images are mathematical equations that describe the shape of an object.  Bitmap images are a pixel by pixel representation of an image.

Color depth is also referred to as?
Bit Depth

What file types are currently supported by Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer?

Chapter 2

What are the main areas of the Photoshop  workspace?
The Image Window , Toolbox , Palettes, and Menu.

How is the Option Bar related to the Toolbox ?
The Options  Bar allows you to adjust any available settings for Tools accessible from the Toolbox.

How do you undock and dock the Palettes?
{Click} and drag on a Palette’s Tab to either dock or undock it. 

Which Menu  Item will give you access to Photoshop ’s Preferences ?

How do you reset your Palette arrangement back to its default setting?
Select Window/Reset Palette Locations from the Menu.

Chapter 3

What are the five key decisions involved in creating a new image?
Image Name, Image Width and Height, Image Resolution , Image Mode , and Image Contents

Why edit images in 24-bit color depth if ultimately they will be 8-bit images on the Internet?
If you work in a bit-depth of 8, many of Photoshop ’s advanced features, such as using Filters , resizing images, and re-coloring images are either not available or do not operate effectively.

Why would you use the Magnification /Navigation controls?
They allow you to edit the small details in an image and zoom in on your image content.

What is a Snapshot  in the History Palette ?
The Snapshot  is a record of the image complete with all the modifications you have performed on it.

If you delete a History State  with other States below it what happens to those States?
Nothing, they remain in the History Panel unaffected.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Monday March 21
Today I worked on a poster for Skills Canada on Adobe Illustrator CS2 and Adobe Photoshop CS2. I decided on the slogan "When Performance Matters" and that I would make puzzle pieces.

Tuesday March 22
Today I worked on my poster for Skills Canada mainly on Adobe Illustrator creating the puzzle pieces.

Thursday March 24
Today I started thinking about making an actual photograph into puzzle pieces for my Skills Canada poster.

Friday March 25
Today I worked on making an image into puzzle pieces for my Skills Canada poster.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fundementals of Graphic Design

Learn to design with the formal elements of design.  
Understand the nature of color.  
See how to employ the principles of design. 
Realize how to manipulate graphic space.

A line is a mark made by a tool as it is drawn across a surface.
The tool can be almost anything — a pencil, a pointed brush, a computer and mouse, even a cotton swab.
Also, a line is defined as a moving dot or point, or can be called an open path.
The general outline of something is a shape, also defined as a closed form or closed path.
Value describes the lightness or darkness of a visual element
 The tactile quality of a surface or the representation of such a surface quality is a texture. 
Tactile textures are real; we can actually feel their surfaces with our fingers.
Visual textures are illusionary; they simply give the impression of real textures.
Pattern can be defined as a repetitive arrangement of elements, like a wrapping paper design or a plaid shirt.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tuesday Mar. 1
 Today I worked on Adobe Flash CS4 to create text animation.

Wednesday Mar. 2
I finished my project on flash.
I started working on Adobe Illustrator to create a SJC Technology Department logo.

Thursday Mar. 3
Today I was working on my SJC Technology Department logo on Adobe Illustrator CS2.